今年非常榮幸得到加拿大Fête Chinoise的邀請,在其《2024設計薈賞》的專題故事中以十多頁的篇幅介紹了我近年的花紐作品。這個專題故事,也是我作為花紐設計師第一次個人媒體專訪,對我來說,意義重大。花紐向來只是長衫的配飾,這一次終於能夠獨當一面成為主角!看到自己的作品,透過書頁在人前恣意綻放,我真的十分感動!在此衷心感謝Fête Chinoise團隊用心策劃和製作,並且特別感謝總編輯Deborah Lau-Yu和攝影師Calvin Lee,以一個我從來沒有想過的視角去呈現我的花紐,連我自己看到照片時也充滿驚喜。
Here comes my first featured story in a printed magazine! I am featured in the “2024 Fête Chinoise Design Annual”, showcasing 18 of my recent flower button designs. Many thanks to the Fête Chinoise team for their time and efforts put into my article. And special thanks to Chief-in-editor Ms. Deborah Lau-Yu and photographer Mr. Calvin Lee, for giving a new and interesting perspective to present my flower buttons. Hong Kong’s hand-lettered and neon lighting signage are also featured in the same magazine, I’m so delighted to see my works presented together with these two heritage that I love and treasure!